Sunday 27 May 2018


 (Luke 2:41-52)

We want look and study briefly the account of Jesus at age 12 in the house Joseph and Mary. As we study each verse, I believe the Lord will open our inner eyes to understand His word.
In Luke 2:41, The Bible made us understand that Jesus was born into a devout, law-keeping family. He had godly parents who raised Him right through the Holy book from day one. His parents always took Him along when it was time to appear in the presence of the Lord.
We as parents, do we appear in the presence of the Lord together with our family? Is the time of worship a time to look forward to or is it a time to grumbly get out of bed? Our attitude to worship help our children form an opinion on how they perceive God.

As a Christian family, there is nothing more powerful than a family that prays and worship together. When we make every worship day important than any other day in our homes, our children begin to understand how important God is.
We can learn something from the faithfulness of Mary and Joseph to make sure that their son was under the means of grace, following the commandments of God's word.
Have we created good excitement in our children when it’s time to go to church or they prefer to hang out with friends more than being in the house of their heavenly father?

In Luke 2:46, Jesus, “the Word of God incarnate”, was learning and listening to the scribe in the house of God. We equally ought to study the word of God at all times together as brethren.
A lot of us don’t want to understand more of God than what we already know.” My question this morning is, “How are you pursuing the knowledge of God? Are you in His word day by day and not only on Sundays?

In Luke 2:48, Jesus talked about the Father’s business. So what is the Father’s business as far as Jesus was concerned? Let us look at John 4:34.
What is the work that Jesus was referring to?  Did He accomplish this (work) business of the Father? See John 19:30.
The Father’s purpose and will for Him was to reconcile humanity to God and to save the world from eternal damnation. John 17:3
Have you discovered the heavenly Father’s business for your life? If yes, how are you helping your children and others discover the father’s business in their lives? Every parent wants their children to know what they do for a living, but do we make our children aware of their Heavenly father business? When they show interest in things which relate the spiritual, how well do we encourage them?

Mary sets a good example for parents. In Luke 2 vs.51, the Bible says "and His mother Mary treasured all these things in her heart”.
Every parent need to be like Mary who will not commonize the gift of God discovered in their children but will help them grow it in fulfillment of God’s divine purpose. When you don’t understand the uniqueness found in your child, pray for the spirit of discernment (pray for divine guidance).

In Luke 2:51, though Jesus Christ at age 12 revealed a glimpse of God’s divine purpose for his life, but still humbled Himself by learning under Joseph till he became thirty years of age.
If God reveals His divine purpose to us can we still be humble to wait for the appointed timing of God or we are eager to launch out? Job 14:14

In Luke 2:52, “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man”.
As sons and daughters of God, God wants to lead us through His spirit Rom 8:14.
When you discover purpose early, you enjoy favour with God and with men Rom 8:28 .
Are you called according to His purpose? When you are, all thing begins to align for you. Where people struggle, God simplifies things for you. Where there is no way, God becomes your way. 1 Cor 2:9. Are you in love with the Father’s business? When you discover purpose early in life, you enjoy abundance favour and mercy in the sight of God and even with man

As Christians young and old, we must all know that we have been chosen by God to carry out divine purpose. Some may discover theirs early but it is never too late to discover purpose. (the Bible says …in 1Peter 2:9 “But we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood……”)
Moses discovered the Father’s business at age 40. Have you discovered the Father’s business? If yes, are you in the place of your brooding and learning until the day of your appearing or you want to immediately launch out?

Jesus Knew from birth His divine assignment but waited till the day of His appearing. John the Baptist had the prophecy gone out even before he was conceived but waited for the appointed time of his appearing, Samuel was in the seminary at a young age and even when the Lord ministered to him concerning his master’s many mistakes (sins), he never left the seminary but continued till the day of his appearing. Paul helped Timothy discover divine purpose. Who are you helping to discover divine purpose?
For parents in our midst, how are you helping your children discover the Father’s business for their lives? The power and the grace that we all will continue with the Father’s business may the Lord grant it to everyone. Shalom!

Pastor Lanre Areola

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Sunday 20 May 2018


                           1 Samuel 4:11, 1 Chronicles 13:1-14, 2 Samuel 6:6, 12-15
Stumble means a fall, trip or substantial misstep, an error or blunder.
A. Enjoying old glory! I Chronicles 13: 3
As we begin to look into 1 Chronicles 13:1-14 there is a very compelling statement found in I Chronicles 13: 3. That one sentence tells us that the nation of Israel did not seek the ark during the days of Saul. From the time that it was lost in battle until David decided to pursue the presence of God most commentaries believe it was approximately 20 years. It is an indictment against the entire nation. This means the glory and tangible presence of God was absent for 20 years and no one missed it. It was out of sight and out of mind. They continued to conduct business as usual.

Saul didn’t pursue the ark but he continued to be king. He continued to live in the opulence of the palace. He continued to be surrounded by blessings. Saul’s life teaches us that you can experience the anointing of God’s Spirit, you can be called out and chosen and then you can get away from that presence and reality and continue to live a blessed life and a satisfying life. 

You can live your life like everything is perfect. However, you have to examine your life because you can make it without pursuing the ark and be blessed, but you can’t stay there. There will be a day when the blessings will end if there is no presence of God to sustain it.

By the way David reveals that it takes everyone to bring the glory back! Even the king can’t bring it back by himself. It is a joint effort! It requires teamwork and corporate desire.

B. Applause doesn’t equal approval. I Chronicles 13: 8
David hasn’t sought the mind of God. He is just doing what he wants to do the way he wants to do it. All the time the cart is carrying the ark. The Word says the people were celebrating, dancing, singing, playing instruments, and slapping each other on the back. However, just because everyone was excited and clapped didn’t mean that everything was okay or in order.

Just because everyone is slapping you on the back, clapping for you and telling you that you are the best Christian they know doesn’t mean that everything is in order. Some of you believe the hype and you mistake man’s approval for God’s. A lot of the time all the applause means is that someone has learned to play the game and that they haven’t got to a stumbling point yet! Applause speaks to talent. Approval goes deep to character!

C. Easy doesn’t equal right! I Chronicles 13: 7
David took the path of least resistance. He did what was easy. It had worked for others! A cart must be okay because it worked for them! However, easy doesn’t equal right!
Too many of us do the same thing. We see others live a certain way and it works so we just buy in without even checking to see if it is right. They lived together and then got married and it worked out okay. It must be right. They didn’t pay tithes and they seemed to prosper. It may be easy to avoid confrontation, but that doesn’t make it right. Walking upright isn't always easy.
Time after time in the Old Testament, when describing Kings that were blessed by God, Scripture says they did what was right in the eyes of God! It doesn’t say they did what was easy. In fact, it usually says they did right in the eyes of God after they have done something difficult like tear down their father’s idols!

D. Someone else's cart won't withstand your stumbling point. I Chronicles 13: 9
The cart had worked for the enemies of Israel, but their cart didn't work for David. David's cart wasn't suited to handle the stumbling point. David learned very quickly that you cannot ride someone else's cart. When the stumbling comes their cart won't carry you! David tried to copy the method and experience of the Philistines. It worked for them so he thought if it was good enough for them it is good enough for him. There is a prescribed way or in other words each man must work out his own salvation, relationship, experience with fear and trembling. You can’t make it on your mom’s, pastor’s, or best friend’s, spouses relationship or revelation. Get your own presence. Get your own experience. Get your own relationship and revelation. It is time to get your own ride! It is time to press in for yourself, worship for yourself, pray for yourself, read for yourself! What is God's prescribed method for you to get glory?

E. Worship doesn't make a cart cool! I Chronicles 13: 8
No more carts! That cart was a sin. That wasn't the prescribed method of transporting the glory of God. The people saw the ark on the cart and worshipped like crazy. The problem is you can't ‘out worship’ a curse that you are bringing on yourself by direct disobedience. I won't tithe, but I will worship my way into a blessing. That is a cart attempt at being blessed! I won't serve, but I will worship a little harder in service. I won't break my addiction to porn, but I will spin and shout! Unfortunately, as soon as the stumbling comes you are doomed for destruction because your cart won't handle the stumbling. You can't worship your cart into being approved by God. You can't worship your way into a blessing that your lifestyle contradicts. David's disobedience wasn't ignored because they worshipped.  Note this “radical obedience in one area of your life will not dismiss radical disobedience in another area of your life”!

F. Stumblings are the threshold of harvest! I Chronicles 13: 9
I want you to notice the timing of the stumbling that David faces. David's stumbling reveals a great truth that we must learn. It is right when David arrives at the threshing floor, the place of harvest that he experiences the big stumble! Isn’t it interesting that the trouble always comes right at the place of harvest? Right at the place of breakthrough? If we would learn this, we won’t quit at the stumbling point! Hang on just a little longer. If you can hang on past the stumbling point harvest will come! It never fails right when you think you are about to move into breakthrough and triumph, the stumbling will come, but hang on! The devil knows you are on the brink and he is trying to get you to stop short! When you hit a stump you ought to focus on harvest!

G. Stumbling points don’t reveal weakness. I Chronicles 13: 10
Uzzah means “He is Strong”. It doesn’t matter how strong you think you are you will get to the stumbling point. You may be the most talented, gifted person in the house, but that won’t excuse you from the big challenge. A challenge is coming. Some of us feel like we are beyond the reach of a challenge. Stumps expose the fallacy of strength! Some of us are too tough for a stump! Some of us miss blessings because we want to be seen as tough! In our weakness, He is made strong! Our strength builds walls/blockades to His strength! Without stumps he wouldn’t trust us!

H. Stumbling points are prepared.
A Challenge is prepared for you. The threshing floor where the stumbling happened, according to 2nd Samuel 6, was at a place called “Nachon”. Nachon means “Prepared”. Your stumbling is prepared for you. Why? Does God just enjoy knocking you down? Does He just want to make your walk difficult? No, He prepares a stump for you because God doesn’t want you to arrive at places that you cannot occupy.

He challenges us to reveal our lack. Don’t despise the stumbling point. Understand that God prepares those places to shake us. Otherwise we would trick ourselves into thinking that everything is okay and that God is approving of the way we are living because everything is going so smoothly. He prepares Stumps so that we don’t prepare excuses! Prepared stumps keep God from having to prepare rescues!

The stump is supposed to slow you down but not stop you!
Too many of us never recover back from the stump. We experience a tough moment and we stop and never move/try/attempt again. David’s life teaches us to embrace the stumbling point. The stump simply caused him to realize that he had to get it right. So three months later he returns.
Some of us need to realize that the Stump was strictly to get our attention. It was a wakeup call.

David goes about it differently this time. He gets the priests together and they sanctify themselves before God. This time he gets rid of the cart. He isn’t trying to get by on somebody else’s ride. He doesn’t let the applause and celebration mislead him into believing everything was okay. Notice the other thing he does. The first time he just gets that ark and starts home oblivious about using the correct order. This time after every sixth step he stops and checks to make sure that the journey is being done right. For 7 to 10 miles from Obed-Edom to Jerusalem they stop after every sixth step and offer a sacrifice. There was still applause and celebration, but David stopped after the sixth step to check in to make sure everything was right and that they had God’s approval.

Have you checked your walk or have you thrown in the towel? The stump was supposed to wake you up to the facts that you have taken too many steps. You need to stop and make sure everything is in order. Every 6th step pause, hesitate and see if all is well with your soul! (That is why Sunday is important you have taken 6 steps this week on the 7th step you need to check back in!)

Pastor Oluwayimika Anibaba

Beloved Pastor
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Sunday 13 May 2018


Revelation 4:11

Everyone has been called by God for a specific purpose in life. It is through the fulfilment of such purpose that we (the creatures) bring pleasure to the heart of God. 

Every creature of God has been pre-designed to function in such a way that they locate and fulfil God’s purpose (reason for their existence) in their lives. Failure to fulfil this mandate is a contradiction of a divine order and process.

No matter how much we seemly succeed in anything that God has not called us into, we have stepped out of purpose and that simply put, is an abuse of divine process and it eventually leads to disorder if not curbed, and God is not the God of disorder but of peace… 
He demands that things be done decently and in accordance with divine order (1 Cor. 14:33, 40).

Today, we want to profile the lives of two women as we proceed on our discussion which is titled, ‘THE WOMAN OF PURPOSE’. These are Rebecca and Hannah.

She was the wife of Isaac, and the mother of Jacob and Esau. 
The first instance where her name was mentioned in the Bible was in Genesis 22:23. The next time Rebecca’s name appeared, it was at the well of Mesopotamia (Gen. 24:10-28).
Rebecca was strategic to God’s purpose in her generation and she had been chosen according to the determinate counsel of God, to be the carrier of the Abraham blessing. 
She showed at the God-ordained place, at the God-ordained time. 

Are your steps ordered by the Lord? (Psalm 37:23). Are you the answer to someone’s sincere and heartfelt prayer?

She was purpose-driven, lived a responsible and God-fearing life. She kept herself pure, she was a virgin. She was kind-hearted and hospitable to a complete stranger. 

Are you keeping yourself pure, free from physical and spiritual defilements? Are you a vessel unto honour, fit for the Master’s use?

Having been driven by the force of destiny, she was willing to follow the stranger to wherever he went. She definitely was a spiritually sensitive young woman. She brought comfort and fulfilment to her husband (Gen. 24:67). 

She inquired from the Lord concerning her situation and her children’s future, The Lord revealed the destinies of her children to her (Gen. 25:22-23).

In her willingness to guard jealously the Abrahamic posterity, she ensured that Jacob was sent away by his father, Isaac (with the blessing) - Gen. 27:41-46; Gen. 28:1-4.

She was one of the wives of Elkanah. She was the mother of Samuel.

As a woman purpose, she could identify a specific spiritual gap in her generation and sensed that God was looking for a man in the upcoming generation, who would be His mouthpiece to His people, so that the light of the knowledge of God’s glory would not depart from the nation.

Women of purpose are strategic, they know the specific needs of the hour in their generation and are ready to plug in as vessels in the Master’s hands.

Furthermore, women of purpose are good negotiators. They negotiate the destinies of their children and of nations (1 Samuel 1:9-11).

Hannah returned all the glory to God after the birth of her son. Women of purpose trace their blessings back to God (1 Samuel 1:20; 2:1-10). 

They are covenant practitioners. They don’t trample on grace. They keep and fulfil their vows (1 Samuel 1:21-28).

God also so desired to make you a woman who will fulfil His purpose in every facet of your life. Receive grace to be a woman of purpose, a channel of blessing to your generation in the name of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Nathaniel Sadela

Resident Pastor
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Sunday 6 May 2018


Known to God are all His works from eternity. 

Nothing just happens, without God's approval and appointment. The truth is that God had chosen you before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before Him in love (Ephesians 1:4) and to show forth the good works of God in you (Ephesians 2:10).

Everything happening to you and around you is part of the recruitment process that God is using to fashion out a new breed in you, in order to suite His prescription for your life (Romans 8:28-30).

In Matthew 10:1, Jesus called (chose) twelve disciples, empowered them and sent them out to preach the kingdom of heaven. This was a heavenly mandate for which they had been called according to the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, but they still had to be equipped with power.

He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease. After thoroughly going through the process of empowerment, the disciples became the apostles... (Matthew 10:2).

Likewise, God is equipping you with power today, so that you can be a witness to His dominion over every principality and power in heaven and on earth. 

Furthermore, He has given us power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over every power of the enemies… (Luke 10:19). It is in the process of discharging our God-given assignment that this power is released. 

If you fail to reach out to others with the Gospel, you won’t know you carry such tremendous power.

As we examine our anchor text for today’s message, Paul, in his defence here, gave a report of the message given to him by Ananias the priest from the Lord. He said the Lord God had chosen Paul (who was referred to as Saul previously): 

That he should know the will of God; 
To see the Just One (Jesus Christ) and 
To hear the voice of His mouth... (Acts 22:14; 9:10-19).

For you will be His witness (bearing His testimony) to all men of what you have seen and heard…

This became a driving force in the life of Paul. Beyond reasonable doubts, he was constantly filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.

He laboured tirelessly and selflessly, bearing the testimony of Christ, preaching the Gospel of the kingdom (1 Cor. 15:10).

When you walk in the knowledge of God’s will, and you see Jesus and you hear Him, you become God’s mouthpiece in your generation. 

God is recruiting massively in these last days, pouring out His Spirit upon the thirsty souls who are longing for His filling and are willing to bear the testimony of Jesus (1 John 1:1-4).

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy... Revelation 19:10.

Receive the grace and the power to be a carrier of God’s presence, witnessing about the power of Christ, spreading the light of the Gospel and bearing His testimony to your generation.

Pastor Nathaniel Sadela

Resident Pastor
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