Sunday 21 August 2016


Psalm 84:5-7
The wisdom of God remains unsearchable; His ways are past finding out, they are  unknown to the world.
Oh the depth of the riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How     unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out! (Rom. 11:33).
God is raising kings and priests in this end time, those who will showcase His manifold wisdom and proclaim His glory to the world, that Jesus may be glorified...
The Lord God wants us to move from strength to strength, through His manifold    wisdom, so that we don't get stuck in the value system of the world... Through     wisdom, we embrace the culture of Christ and follow His footsteps closely.
Wisdom is a function of what you hear (Mark 4:24), how you hear (Luke 8:18) and your response to what you hear (Matt. 7:24)!
Many folks have dwelt for too long on 'Mount Horeb', clinging to what God has       done for them in the past, clinging to the breakthroughs of the past, holding on    dearly to old achievements, leaving in the realm of the past, thereby forsaking what lies ahead...The Word of the Lord to you this morning is ''s time to move   on...' As we move on, our strength will be renewed!
Some of the people who experienced transition from strength to strength in their  earthly journey, through the manifold wisdom of God, were people like Joseph,  David, Apostle Paul, etc...
The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever     brighter until the full light of day (Prov. 4:18).

How can I move from strength to strength?

1. Submission to divine process (let God perfect His work in you). Enough of      struggling with God. Stop leaning on your own wisdom and understanding, it has     taken you thus far...Whatever He tells you to do, do it...Whatever process He        takes you through,  be rest assured it's for your good. You will surely come forth as gold (Job 23:10).

2. Set your heart on pilgrimage. See yourself as a stranger and pilgrim on earth    (Gen. 37:1; Heb. 11:13; 1 Peter 2:11). Let your heart be focused on Christ! Let     GOD be your permanent dwelling place (Psalm 90:1). Refuse to be caged by the     glory, honour, power and riches of this world...They will pass away!
Those whose hearts are set on pilgrimage don't get stuck by the glory of the world. Because their hearts are set above, they cling to the wisdom that comes from       above. As they pass through the valley of Baca (weeping), they experience a          turnaround, and gather a spring (pool) of heavenly blessings. God sends a rain of    restoration upon them...In spite of all these, they keep moving...from strength to strength...until they appear before the King of Glory, in Zion!

3. Cultivate a lifestyle of perfection. Follow Jesus! (Luke 6:40). Be a true disciple of Christ. Let His nature and character be formed in you...

4. Covet earnestly the presence of God. Desire His presence more than every      other thing in life. Be willing to trade away the whole world for His ever-abiding    presence. When you get accustomed to God's presence, you know when He shows   up and when He moves...(Psalm 91:1; 1:1-3; 2 Cor. 3:18).
You can secure God's presence through continuous study of the Word, fervent        prayer, praise & worship sessions, etc.

        Resident  Pastor

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